Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving break

Julia and I with "Santa" asking for a white pony.. or was it
actually a horse :p
School was off for the last half of the week which meant i got to see Julia :) i don't see her much now that i'm off school and in Warren/Niles like 40minutes away.. I spent thanksgiving day with Rons family, a traditional american holiday i was more than happy to experience. There was so much food and many people asking me about my stay over here in Ohio. Julia felt so sorry for me (and so she should have hahaha) i'm asked the same questions over and over by everyone.. so when Julia meets another exchange student she promised me she would be creative and ask them if they've meet a purple cow yet? or something off the wall like that :p

The Grandparents farm in Pennsylvania :)
I spent the weekend in Pennsylvania with Ron, Sheila, Brent and the grandparents.. i slept most of the 6 hours we spent driving in the car which was nice :) I love Sheila's parents home.. I went horse riding for the very first time which was pretty exciting :D and 4 wheeling took me back home :p almost literally..

My Mum leaves New Zealand in literally just a few hours, i still cannot believe i'll get to see her again.. and actually in person this time. It's been almost 11months since the last time we were together. Early Wednesday morning i'll be seeing her, FINAAAAALLY! I've missed her so much.

Monday, November 21, 2011

My last week of school

If there was one week out of this whole year i was most bothered about.. it defiantly would be picked as this one. I spent the whole week at Julia's dads, who by the way makes the most amazing tasting dinners ever :)
I love her dog Sadie, she's so sweet and adorable!! And ohmygosh, i had my first winter snowfall on Thursday night :p I got so excited, Cassi and Julia were just laughing at me over that :) but they understood that for me.. it was a big deal, we just don't get it like they do in Middlefield ;) Well Cassi, who was in flipflops and practically summer clothes ran through the street with me in the falling snow.. we had fun :)
Gahh, it was such a hectic week, only Julia will fully understand what i mean by this :p hahahaha you freaking boyracer ;)
The school week went by quickly, and for once during this whole year with the closer friends i made here, i broke down crying.. not because they called me a hoe (HAAAA...) but because it was then that it really hit me how hard this all was. Finishing school meant i was closing an old chapter in my That's it for me. No more high school, and then practically all those people i met at Cardinal i most likely would never see in person again. I know i'm really happy here, the homesickness is only kicking in because i know i'll be home to all the things i've missed soon and i'm thinking about that all right now.
I can honestly say that i met people who really inspired and changed my life from Cardinal. I can guarantee most of the students will think i'm totally b.s-ing right now hahaha!! YOU LIFE CHANGERS ;) ;)
Well, can finally say i lived through high school, got that all over and done with.. about flipping time too :p
Yahh i'm sad about the end of it.. but i think i'm just looking forward to moving onto the bigger and better things after school :) Thanks you guys at Cardinal, i've loved being apart of your school (even if you don't care so much for the place :D haha)

My host Mom and Dad made a big deal about having a leaving party before my mum arriving, so they organized to take us all out to cosmic bowling which was pretty sweet, i really did have an awesome time.. they put so much time and effort into it. I love you both, all you've done for me.. i'm so thankful :)
Because of where i'm living now out in Warren/Niles.. i couldn't have all the people i wanted to, to be there. At least it still went along and everything went well!! Sheila was so sweet, making a video of my time here in America and having it played on the big screens at the bowling alley. It was a good end to a long and stressful week!!

The peeps :) Thank you for everything guys!!

My sister and I, my most favorite person in this whole world <3
feel loved.. dawg hahaha ;p

Friday, November 11, 2011

One final month.

It's November.. still don't believe it ;P School has become a very busy part in my life for now.. not as easy as i'd hoped for the last month here but i'm sure i'll get through it just fine!!
I went trick-or-treating (HALLOWEEN!!!) on Monday in Warren where i am now living. Julia dressed up as a Scottish Pirate and I, a French Maid Pharmacist ;) We chose to take along our pink famous scooters.. "Ohhh we know these girls!! we see em' go pass around here with those scooters!!" omg hahaha i'm sure the whole neighbourhood would assume we were 12 or something ridiculous like that ;p because we definitely fit that category!!
For my first proper Halloween trick-or-treating experience.. i had a great time. It went for about 2 hours and even though it was absolutely freezing cold and just finished raining.. we still made it a worthwhile time.
Half the candy we got was so foreign to me!! and lucky for me.. any recess peanut butter chocolate.. i can just give Julia.. even though i know she'd be proud to see me eat it all on my own.. it is peanut butter IN chocolate!!! there is no way i'm eating something like that ;P i think it's horrible no matter how much the rest of them like it hahaha!!