Monday, November 21, 2011

My last week of school

If there was one week out of this whole year i was most bothered about.. it defiantly would be picked as this one. I spent the whole week at Julia's dads, who by the way makes the most amazing tasting dinners ever :)
I love her dog Sadie, she's so sweet and adorable!! And ohmygosh, i had my first winter snowfall on Thursday night :p I got so excited, Cassi and Julia were just laughing at me over that :) but they understood that for me.. it was a big deal, we just don't get it like they do in Middlefield ;) Well Cassi, who was in flipflops and practically summer clothes ran through the street with me in the falling snow.. we had fun :)
Gahh, it was such a hectic week, only Julia will fully understand what i mean by this :p hahahaha you freaking boyracer ;)
The school week went by quickly, and for once during this whole year with the closer friends i made here, i broke down crying.. not because they called me a hoe (HAAAA...) but because it was then that it really hit me how hard this all was. Finishing school meant i was closing an old chapter in my That's it for me. No more high school, and then practically all those people i met at Cardinal i most likely would never see in person again. I know i'm really happy here, the homesickness is only kicking in because i know i'll be home to all the things i've missed soon and i'm thinking about that all right now.
I can honestly say that i met people who really inspired and changed my life from Cardinal. I can guarantee most of the students will think i'm totally b.s-ing right now hahaha!! YOU LIFE CHANGERS ;) ;)
Well, can finally say i lived through high school, got that all over and done with.. about flipping time too :p
Yahh i'm sad about the end of it.. but i think i'm just looking forward to moving onto the bigger and better things after school :) Thanks you guys at Cardinal, i've loved being apart of your school (even if you don't care so much for the place :D haha)

My host Mom and Dad made a big deal about having a leaving party before my mum arriving, so they organized to take us all out to cosmic bowling which was pretty sweet, i really did have an awesome time.. they put so much time and effort into it. I love you both, all you've done for me.. i'm so thankful :)
Because of where i'm living now out in Warren/Niles.. i couldn't have all the people i wanted to, to be there. At least it still went along and everything went well!! Sheila was so sweet, making a video of my time here in America and having it played on the big screens at the bowling alley. It was a good end to a long and stressful week!!

The peeps :) Thank you for everything guys!!

My sister and I, my most favorite person in this whole world <3
feel loved.. dawg hahaha ;p

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